The home stretch

The deadline for finishing my thesis is fast approaching and I am working hard to make it.

In the evening though, I mostly spend time with the kids. Tonight they were chasing around the room.


Film – Get Low

If it seems like I’ve fallen off the edge of the Earth with respect to the blogs, I have. Since we got back from vacation, things have been super busy. I am now going to the lab full time and working on my thesis. So far I am still on schedule, but there is a lot of work and I do have a tight deadline as I have to be done before I go back to work OR ELSE.

I have stupid amount of housework to do as well. You see, I have been sweeping anything that did not require immediate attention under the rug since 2002 when I started with graduate studies. My motto was “If I have the time to do this stupid housework, I should take it and do homework instead”. Well, it is eight years later… So now I have a new motto, “Homework gets done in school, housework gets done at home”. I moved my laptop to the lab where it stays until the thesis is completed. I am not bringing it home, not even for the weekend. I am in school eight hours a day four days a week and I work. On the fifth day, I stay home and do housework. Let’s see how this goes.

Speaking of eight years later, our anniversary is next week. I think we just might go on a date. How sweet that will be!

Mother’s Day

Chris made a lovely breakfast for me for Mother’s day. Though it would have been nice to spend Mother’s Day with my boys, I am trying really hard to finish up my thesis by the end of the year. To help me with this, Chris took the boys out of the house on both Saturday and Sunday. I actually managed to get enough Eclipse working (yes, it broke after I though it was done last time) to actually start working on my code and find the bug I have been after. Now I have to come up with a way of fixing the bug, but I don’t think I will have the time for it until the next weekend. It is quite frustrating to work so slowly, but at least I am progressing.


I am working very hard to get back into shape. I did two spinning classes and mom-and-baby fitness last week and this week should be the same. I am trying to cook healthy meals, but it is a little bit challenging and I am bored of being in the kitchen. I did have a very productive cooking day today with Trev helping out a bit so I should be able to a couple of decent meals with very little effort this week.

I am a month away from my big vacation so I nee to start getting ready. Perhaps tomorrow is a good day for this. I also want to spend more time biking. I managed to go to the library with Trevor today and it was really nice. Trev asked to take some books out for him so he used the check-out system for the first time. I am so proud of him.

Raising the Roof


I think I have finally got Eclipse working with all the major plug-ins installed. I still have to connect to Subversive server Chris made for me, but that is a nice-to-have.

I hate computers

Now the software license for a part of my tool has expired. It will take me at least a day for the e-mail train to get me a new one. So much for getting anything done tonight.


Oh the fun we will have!


This is the point where I usually talk about favorite moves of the past year, but I really haven’t seen too many movies, definitely not enough to make a list. The past year has been strange and though I managed to do some fun things, most of the time I was really tired, partially from work and school, partially from being pregnant.

I don’t really know what to expect for the next year and I do not want to make any resolutions. I will spend most of the time taking care of Owen and Trevor. Trevor loves being outside, and I want to encourage him so I will try and get him to be outside as much as possible. However, I will also have Owen with me, so this might prove to be difficult from time to time.

I want to work on getting back into shape. I did pretty well during the pregnancy, but I still have far to go. The challenge with this is that I do not want to overdo it and end up in physio like I did last time. I am hoping to do a lot of biking, which will be challenging because Owen will still be too young to take on the bike. I also want to do some cross country skiing, but how I am going to manage that, I have no clue. I probably won’t.

I need to finish my thesis. I have been making very slow progress over last six months.

What I will probably be able to do is spend time with my boys. I just have to make sure I am rested enough to be able to enjoy myself.