Film: Hit the Road

We have been doing the CHEO ride for over twenty years now!!! First it was just Chris and I and then followed years of trailers, bike seats, cargo bikes and tiny bikes in tow. Every year was exciting and different and new.


This time I realized that we can do the longest offered distance – something none of us have ever done before. The 70 km route included the parts we have done many times, the Parkway and Canal with the iconic ride down Laurier street (with no car traffic, woohoo!!!). New to us were Sussex Street, Rockliffe and Aviation Parkway. The embassies, official residences and headquarters by the dozen! We have driven down those but never rode through on a bike. Because we rode in from Kanata, we skipped the Dows Lake part and rejoined the lycra crowd by crossing the first pedestrian bridge over the canal. The experience was amazing. No pictures because we were having so much fun.