Book review – “The Game”

I think four books is the most I have managed to read for any given Canada Reads season. As I have read four books again this year, I would say that this is a good year. I am also very pleased with the way they published the debates online. Despite expectation to the contrary, I found the debates more interesting to watch than to only listen. Also, by adding an extra section of debate to the video, CBC managed to counteract the superficiality of the relatively short air time they usually have for the show. Form now on, I will only watch the debates online. Canada Reads remains my favourite (and only) reality show.

I enjoyed the last of the four books, Ken Dryden’s “The Game”. I can very well believe that it is the best book about hockey ever written. I am still glad “Something Fierce” won the Canada Reads contest. In fact, I would vote for “Prisoner of Teheran” and “The Tiger” above “The Game” if it were up to me. I am still glad I read “The Game”. It is a very intelligent and introspective book and it gives a good insight into a Canadian public figure especially since Ken Dryden continued on to be involved in politics etc. I found the bits about hockey strategies and the team members pulling pranks a bit long winded, but then again I am not as big a hockey fan as to be interested in that. I enjoyed his take on the kids playing hockey, the violence in hockey, the financial aspect and the discussion of the background of the different team members. Prior to reading this book, I only knew Scotty Bowman as my english teacher’s older jock brother, it was interesting to read about him from a different perspective.