The rest of baby stuff


I am quite big on baby carrying. For babies of up to six months I really love my ring sling.


However, after the baby gets big and mobile ring sling is not as useful. For bigger kids I am really enjoying the Ergo carrier. I really wish I had discovered this carrier earlier, but even with just Markus I am using it daily and really getting my money’s worth.


I have never used the hiking backpack carrier for more than a few minutes, but Chris uses it whenever we go hiking with baby and is quite happy with it.


Circle of neglect devices

This is what my GP jokingly described things you can put the baby in so they can be happy and entertained while you go pee, or collapse in a heap of exhaustion. These include things like exersaucer, bumbo seats, swings, hammocks, playpens, etc.


Because the kids (my kids anyway) get bored with these very quickly, to me these are a lot like engineering textbooks; they are really useful for about half an hour, and then maybe another five minutes and then never again. I found the Jolly jumper and the arc to be the best bang for the buck though it is always nice to have a couple of different things and keep them in rotation.

Arc (can also be seen in the background of the ring sling photo)

I have never been able to keep an awake baby in the playpen for more than a few moments, but I do find them a good substitute for crib when traveling.

That’s all folks

I am sure there are more things, but nothing comes to mind other than baby clothes and RESPs. You can raise a baby with much less than what I’ve listed or with much more. I tried to be streamlined and frugal while still having some fun and comfort. I found that sometimes moms get taken for a ride by baby equipment manufacturers. For example, I used to buy plastic and rubber spoons for my kids until I discovered that babies are not only able to eat with regular metal spoons our cutlery drawer was full of, but actually enjoy them. Markus’ favorite toy ever is a metal spoon! Now that know this I never worry about him being bored if I sit down for coffee, I get the macchiato and he gets the spoon.