Doing groceries the fun way

Did I mention how amazing is to be able to run errands by bike? It is absolutely great!

I have been going to my regular groceries stores by bike for a couple of weeks now. I have not gotten around to Costco yet, but there is still time.

Today I wanted to pick up 20kg of frozen beef from the farm. That’s 1/4 of the bike’s capacity. How cool is that! It is a bit of a long ride, no problem, blast the music on from the phone on the handlebars and go!

I have a freezer full of super organic beef now. I wonder how long it will take us to go through it all.

One Reply to “Doing groceries the fun way”

  1. Let me know how the beef is! We didn’t have time to swing around by the farm this weekend, but I’m excited about their beef too! : )
    (Especially since O’Brien’s seems to not be at the Kanata market anymore. Boo.)

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