

I managed to pack really well for the flight. I fit all that I need for two and a half months for myself and the two boys in one medium sized suitcase. I also had two car seats, but they don’t count as luggage. Then there was a stroller and, despite my original plan to have only one carry on bag, my husband managed to convince me to carry the laptop separate from the diaper bag. Trevor had his own backpack with toys that he kept referring to as his purse (I hope his father does not hear him saying that) but he was pretty good at taking care of it himself.

The stewardess on the overseas flight was fantastic, she held the baby while I got settled and moved the other passengers around so I can have the seat with the bassinet. The man sitting next to me was amazing help as well and he held Owen while I fed myself and Trevor.

The boys behaved really well. They were a bit rowdy at first but then they settled and were a great help. It also helped that it was theoretically “night” for most of the flight.

The Frankfurt airport was a mess, but, from what I hear from other people, we did really well with minimal wandering and none of our baggage was lost.

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