Recovery complete

My recovery has been completed and I have been back to normal for a week now. Yay!


Alas, this also means that my dad is going back home and for the next five months I am left to my own devices during the day. I don’t have any specific plans on how to get through, but I am an old hand at this, I am sure everything will be fine.

Over the last six weeks things have been deceptively simple because I had help. I was able to get enough sleep and the house has been in good order. I feel very comfortable taking care of Markus because I have done all of this two times already. Owen is hitting the terrible twos so he is a handful sometimes, but nothing that we can’t figure out. Trevor, on the other hand is an enigma wrapped up in mystery. He is a wonderful boy, but we as parents don’t really know what to expect from him at this age. Are we too strict or too permissive? Do we let too many incidents go or are we fussing at unimportant things? It is interesting how the eldest child gets a completely different parenting experience than the younger ones.

I managed to get some fun time with Trevor, we’re making another bird costume – this time by Trev’s design.


It was nice to have Owen at home for the month. He is going to daycare for two days per week starting on Monday. I think he now needs some interaction with other kids and I need extra time to take care of chores.
