

I don’t really know what to expect from my garden this year so I have been a bit lethargic about getting the seeds planted. In fact I’ve only started last weekend and only got about a shoe tray worth of seedlings planted. I am focusing on container and hanging baskets plants this year because I am not yet familiar with all the perennials around my house. I’ll plant some tomatoes, but only in May and from plants rather than seeds. I am not sure about other veggies; the wild life in Beaverbrook seems too tubby for the health of any garden. In fact, we saw a porcupine on a tree eating one of its branches yesterday.

In any case, my favourite petunias have been planted and I’ve got a pocket full of other surprise seeds left. I am going to start a cute little herb container for my kitchen window and maybe even re-plant some of my houseplants.

The truth of it of course is that I am a pretty awful gardener since I focus more on plant’s ability to survive and thrive in home conditions than their aesthetic beauty. If only I can make existentialism pleasing…