Film – Thank you for Smoking

Chris and I had a discussion on what our top 10 movies of all time lists would be like. I baffled at the idea of making such a list. Each excellent movie has such specific appeal that it makes it difficult to rank them against each other. Would serious, morally and emotionally engaging films push out brainless fun flicks on basis of merit or pure snobbishness? How do you pick between items that are artistically profound from ones that are culturally significant. For example, if you were making a list of great albums, would “Appetite for Destruction” be featured?

In any case, here are some of the films Chris and I tossed about yesterday. They are not necessarily top 10 worthy, but we (both or either) consider them strong films:

The Life of Brian
Fog of War
Wings of Desire
Annie Hall
Pretty Village, Pretty Flame
This is Spinal Tap
7 Samurai
American Movie
SLC Punk!
Dirty Pretty Things
The Great Dictator
Roman Holiday
Shaun of the Dead

And others that we can’t think of right now…

P.S. Thank you for Smoking is funny.